Police Department

104 East Jefferson St. Jefferson, OH 44047
Emergency Phone: Dial 9-1-1  |  Non-Emergency 440-576-0010
Email: Chris.Mackensen@jeffersonpolice.us

Records Request: records.department@jeffersonpolice.us

Our department, located at 104 E. Jefferson St in the heart of Ashtabula County is made up of a great group of officers that take pride in law enforcement as well as a secretary that makes the office run smoothly efficiently. Jefferson Police Department employs 7 full time officers, and 4 auxiliary officers. Among these officers are some very highly trained investigators with numerous certifications in crime scene investigation, evidence collection, crime scene photography, and much more. Our officers take pride and enjoy working closely with the residents to keep Jefferson a safe and happy community to live in.

 “The Duty to Serve and the Will to Protect Jefferson Village and its Residents”

104 East Jefferson St  |  Emergency: Dial 9-1-1  |  Non-Emergency: 440-576-0010

Anonymous Tip Line: 440-847-8123


Community Programs

Safety Town-Safety Town Village – safety education for Kindergarten thru 8-year-olds. Kids will also recieve ID’s 

Click or Ticket – Seatbelt awareness campaign.

Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over – Drinking and driving awareness campaign.

Shop With Cops – Offering Christmas assistance for underprivileged.

Can the  Cruiser – Food and money collected at Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas. There will be a cruiser located in front of Walmart

Hope for the Holidays-Christmas Assistance for underprivileged 

Additional Services

Vehicle Unlocks- Call dispatch if you happen to lock your keys inside of your vehicle, we will be happy to respond and find a solution to get your keys or simply unlock your vehicle. 

Property Checks- Fill out a Property Check form at our office, have peace of mind when you go on vacation and ensure your property gets checked by our officers 

Vehicle inspections (ATV, Side by Side, Golf Carts)- Our department provides vehicle inspections to make sure your vehicles are compliant to be registered to be on the roadway 


Chief Chris Mackensen

Sergeant Joseph Schor

Sergeant Gregory Lachey

Patrolman Gary Nelson

Patrolman William Dye


Secretary Maria Abbott


Sergeant Joseph Schor

Sergeant Joseph Schor brings 18 years of dedicated public safety service to the Village of Jefferson.  He started his career in Law Enforcement in 2005 in Conneaut Ohio. During his career his goal has always been to become a well-trained officer in the many aspects of policing, with his passion being rooted in community policing and outreach programs.