Senior Center
Contact Info
Michelle Atkins
Weekly Activities/Groups
Tuesday & Thursday
11 am – 12 pm
Knitting & Crocheting
1 pm – 4 pm
Monday & Thursday
12:30 pm – 5:30 pm
2 pm – 4 pm
Senior Fitness Classes
All Senior Classes are 10:00 am – 11:00 am and are FREE to Silver Sneakers and Renew Active Members or the class costs $3 per class.
Range of Motion
A chair based class
Instructor: Julie Eckart
Have fun and move to the music through a variety of exercises designed to increase muscle strength, range of movement and activities for daily living. Hand-held weights, elastic tubing with handles and a SilverSneakers ball are offered for resistance. A chair is used for seated exercises and standing support. This class can be adapted by the participant depending on their fitness level and abilities. It is suitable for beginning to intermediate skill levels.
A chair based class
Instructor: Julie Eckart
Suitable for all ages & focuses on improving balance. This standing class uses chair support to advance cognition and fall prevention skills.
A chair based class
Instructor: Julie Eckart
Standing, low-impact choreography alternated with standing upper-body strength work with hand-held weights, elastic tubing with handles and a SilverSneakers ball. A chair is available for support. This class is suitable for nearly every fitness level and can be adapted depending on the skill of individual participants.